what is cash stuffing? and why we built budget bestie around it

hey bestie!

If you’ve been following along with my personal finance journey on social media (@cdngirlcashstuffer), you already know that cash stuffing has been a game changer for me. It’s the method that helped me pay off over $35k in debt and finally get my finances in order. I’m excited to share with you today exactly what this method is! You’ve probably heard me talk about cash stuffing before, but let’s break down what it really is, why it’s such a powerful tool, and why we built Budget Bestie around this concept.

what is cash stuffing?

Cash stuffing is a budgeting method where you physically divide your cash into different envelopes (categories) based on your spending needs every single payday. Each envelope is dedicated to a specific expense - groceries, entertainment, clothing, dining out, etc. When you make a purchase, you take the money from the corresponding envelope. Once an envelope is empty, that’s it - no more spending in that category until it’s time to budget again!

Why is this method so effective? Easy, it forces you to be mindful of your spending! By using cash, you can actually see and feel your money leaving your hands, which makes you think twice before making a purchase. It’s all about creating a tangible connection to your money, helping you stay on track and avoid overspending. This was an eye opener for me because before, I was just tapping my card everywhere without a plan in place. It almost felt like my money wasn’t real - I had no attachment to it.

why we picked cash stuffing for budget bestie

Now, I know what you’re thinking—“But Sasha, I don’t want to carry around a bunch of envelopes full of cash!” I get it! That’s exactly why we created Budget Bestie. My brother Jeremy and I wanted to take the principles of cash stuffing and make them accessible in a digital format, so you can enjoy all the benefits without the hassle of handling cash.

With Budget Bestie, you’re still organizing your budget into different envelopes (categories), just like traditional cash stuffing. But instead of dealing with physical cash, you’re using the app to stuff your funds and track your spending. This way, you get the best of both worlds - mindful budgeting with the convenience and security of an app.

the benefits of cash stuffing with Budget Bestie

So why stick with cash stuffing in a world where everything’s digital? Because it works. Here’s why:

1. Mindfulness: Cash stuffing makes you more aware of where your money is going. By tracking each expense manually (don’t worry, we’ve made it quick and easy!), you stay present and conscious of your spending habits.

2. Accountability: When you set aside money for specific purposes, you’re less likely to dip into funds meant for other things. Budget Bestie helps you stay disciplined by clearly showing what you’ve allocated and what you’ve spent.

3. Flexibility: With Budget Bestie, you can customize your envelopes (giving each one a name and emoji) to fit your unique needs and pay schedule. Whether you’re paid weekly, biweekly, twice a month, or monthly, you can budget accordingly and stay on top of your finances.

ready to try cash stuffing?

If you haven’t tried cash stuffing yet, I encourage you to give it a go with Budget Bestie. It’s a simple yet powerful way to take control of your finances, and our app makes it easier than ever to get started. Whether you’re new to budgeting or just looking for a better way to manage your money, Budget Bestie is here to help.

Thank you for being part of this journey with us. I’m so excited to see how Budget Bestie can help you achieve your financial goals!

about the writer
Sasha Gray
CEO & Co-Founder

Hey, I’m Sasha, one half of the Budget Bestie team. After paying off $35k+ of debt with cash stuffing, I came up with the idea for this app to make cash stuffing simpler—without having to carry cash. Our app lets you budget on your own schedule and gives you full control of your money. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned cash stuffer, I’m here to share tips and tools that’ll make cash stuffing easier for you. Let’s do this, bestie!

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